Friday, January 2, 2009

Heat Grate Efficiency

Among the Tigre 2009


By Eduardo Hernando Nieto

"The best way to keep a tiger mount you will devour it on him." Chinese Proverb

After a long silence due to labor issues only want to start the year writing about one of the essential books for the meta, I mean Riding the Tiger by Julius Evola, originally published in 1961 [1] (and therefore already the mature stage of Roman metapolitical), whose title evokes precisely this Chinese proverb that guides us on how best to respond to a threat as it would in this case the twilight phase of this civilization - the famous Kali - Yuga in Hindu doctrine - that, just like a runaway tiger, this contemporary world becomes a huge danger for men who have chosen to remain consistent with the lineage of tradition and do not wish "aggiornamiento" the modern delusions. Thus, the text in question is directed towards those who wish to avoid this process of decomposition that generates the "bourgeois civilization" but do not know how. So says the teacher Evola:

"Let us now how it is applied to the outside world, the general environment, the principle to ride the tiger. You can then mean that when a cycle of civilization comes to an end, it is difficult to achieve a result either resisting, opposing forces directly in motion. The current is very strong and one would run the risk of being destroyed. The essential thing is not to be impressed by what seems all-powerful, nor by the apparent triumph of the forces of the time. Private relationship with any higher principle, these forces have, in fact, a limited scope ... " [2]

Therefore, if we place ourselves above the tiger he may not make us any harm and just have to wait to run out and completed and their mad career. This could also be interpreted as a kind of retreat inside to the man of tradition.

To understand better the nature of this race particularly senseless and glimpse the possibility of an end, Evola begins by showing the scene in which we initially marked by the dissolution of morality as it had with Nietzsche anuncidado phrase "God is dead" or the same Dostoyevsky, stating that "If God does not exist, everything is permitted" [3] . Just

death or moral values \u200b\u200boccurs after breaking it with the metaphysical or transcendent, then becomes independent moral or rational - as Kant would argue - in other words, merely subjective or responding as the If social interests. Right or because it is desired by the individual or society. As indicated Evola: "After ethical rationalism, the period of dissolution proceeds with utilitarian ethics or social. Renouncing find intrinsic and absolute foundation of "good" and "evil", it is proposed to justify what the moral is what recommends that the individual interest and the pursuit of material tranquility in society. But this is already steeped in moral nihilism. As there is no inner loop, any act, any behavior can become legitimate when foreign escape punishment, social juridical, or when one is indifferent to it. Nothing has regulatory or mandatory character inside, it comes down to conform to the codes of society, to replace demolished religious law. " [4]

This stage called" nihilistic "by Nietzsche then shows the magnitude of the debacle, however, Evola does not necessarily agree with the solution of Nietzsche, that is, the overcoming of nihilism by the "will to power" but rather what I would - according to Schopenhauer - "will to live" [5] , although more precisely it is to go beyond life, to transcend!

The text continues to develop a series of concepts that show how what is apparently presented as a critique of modernity (the very thought of Nietzsche, Sartre's existentialism, phenomenology of Husserl and Heidegger, etc..,) Are but manifestations of the same phenomenon of decomposition and of unfettered individualism. [6]

In this race to the bottom, it was finally shaping up another feature of the modern world, namely the individual's death - which had been preceded by the death of God and leading -. The death of the individual is left to do with the progress of anonymity and the advancement of mass society. So paradoxically, far from asserting the personality individualism - that destroys any organic structure - prevented the identification and differentiation of the subject, it became a completely abstract and despersonilazado.

The modern world eventually trivializes any activity in the past could be appropriate ways for transcendence and affirmation of the personality, politics, culture, social institutions (like marriage for example), religion, become so in practice without meaning, without meaning or purpose, then there lies the essence of the problem of modern man, the trivialization of life in ignorance. The tiger is ticking so fast that the only recommendation "here and now" is to ride it with intelligence until exhausted ... as recommended Evola, there is no alternative.
[1] For this small text use a classic English-language edition appeared in the eighties in Barcelona. Julius Evola, Riding the Tiger, Barcelona, Nuevo Arte Thor, 1987.
[2] Ibid., P. 13.
[3] Ibid., P. 19.
[4] Ibid., P. 21.
[5] Ibid., P. 51.
[6] Something similar to the points made by Leo Strauss, in his text "The Three Waves of Modernity" in Hilail Gildin ed. Political Philosophy: Six Essays by Leo Strauss (Indianapolis, 1975)


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