Friday, October 8, 2010

Hp Pavilion T3000 Free Drivers

Max Weber from the global South

Articles: This text was the basis for the book launch of Chilean counterpart Luis Oro Tapia, entitled Max Weber and Political Policy, a reading from the periphery (Santiago de Chile, RIL editors , 2010), the presentation was conducted at the Cultural Center Montecarmelo, del Barrio Bellavista (Providencia, Santiago, Chile) in the month of September 2010.

Max Weber from Southern

Eduardo Hernando Nieto

I Introduction About the interesting work published by Professor Luis Oro Tapia "Max Weber: Politics and Politicians, a reading from the periphery" ( Santiago de Chile, RIL Editores, 2010) would make a critical considering some anti-meta aspects developed by the famous German sociologist. I start with the negative and then move to more emphasis While the light side of the German professor to conclude with an assessment of their contribution in our case from an American perspective and meta.

1. Why not Max Weber?
no doubt that Weber be considered as one of the fathers of social science his thought can not be alien or contrary to the distinction between facts and values \u200b\u200bthat marked the path of modern science and also what was the rejection the concept of nature and natural law [1] . In this sense, Weber be identified in the first term with the so-called first wave of modernism (positivism) and then part of the second wave this time associated with historicism [2] . Weberian thought has always been characterized by denying any possibility of knowledge of the values \u200b\u200b(must be), as Weber would exist a huge variety of these incommensurable values \u200b\u200bbeing so there would be no possibility of resolving conflicts between them as social science how much one could clarify the conflict to the individual chooses. [3] The problem with a reading like this is that leaves us one step of relativism and then quickly to nihilism. Indeed, we recognize in the author Weber warned us about the trend toward "petrified" of the modern institutions via the development of rationality, without But Weber also said that this stream of solidification in any case could be addressed via a revival of spirituality and charisma, however, the big problem would be that according to the neutral point of view to be adopted by Weber, the reason I could never determine whether correct the path of rationality or way of the spirit, ie could not make value judgments [4] at both positions. In this sense, the familiar ethic associated with prominent political behavior in his famous work "Politics as Vocation" [5] , ie the ethics of conviction and the ethic of responsibility [6] could not be elucidated because we would be equally incapable of taking one side or another. [7]
Finally, the question about the difficulty we find in choosing our politicians as opposed to the facility would have for example to select the physician who would like to attend and we heal us [8] can not be acquitted by the text of Weber and in the end more to develop the ethical principles as indicated by the same neutrality relied on the basis of their work clearly could never determine what would be the aims and purposes of politics and politicians This for the simple reason that this question could only be absolved by political philosophy but not for political science. [9]
2. Why, if Max Weber?
As Professor Strauss said, referring obviously to Weber, "notwithstanding its errors, is the greatest social scientist of our century" [10] such a statement in the mouth of someone who is considered one of the most important - for me the largest - political philosopher of the twentieth century is no small thing. His extensive analysis of the modern and particularly highlighting its contradictions can not be ignored if it is to understand precisely how is that it has reached the present crisis and how it is that we are in the midst of an apparent impasse. Just his lectures on the development of the modern state and capitalism for Weber considered essential love an author also reflects much of German thought in the late nineteenth and early twentieth influence in the development of many of the thinkers of the Revolution German conservative " [11] .
But if we place Weber in the first wave of modernism (positivism) then you have to match Weber's ideas with those makers of modern political science is, with authors such as Machiavelli and Hobbes to name two. They in turn are recognized as the architects of the so-called "political realism" and this means that policy are not a speculative or abstract (as in contemporary political science) but in its empirical dimension marked by the permanent presence of the power of force and because of violence as well. [12]
as sweetened In times like these where liberalism - as said Schmitt - obscures any political decision which has forgotten the meaning of politics as Strauss would argue, is that "do good and avoid evil "no doubt that political realism is still a pressing need and Weber is a huge contribution in this line. Moreover, while the realism identified with the first wave of modernity their link or contact with the world of classical political philosophy is still fresh and vital, hence Weber himself eventually have to deal with the values \u200b\u200bmalgré tout.
Finally, we un-realistic trends "equality" as linked to contemporary political correctness and so alien to allow much less important leadership to opt for an elite or ruling political class. Weber even under what contemporary political theorists say [13] advocates of "elite democracy" (Along with authors such as Fly or Schumpeter) which certainly leads us to sympathize more with the German professor.

3. Max Weber from Southern
World While the text of Professor Gold Tapia poses a Weberian reading from the American South, I believe that authors such as Weber finally is a reality that is verifiable at home and abroad. Corruption in politics today is the same in Chile, Peru and Germany, in this sense, pose a look from a geographic location can be dangerous as orillaría by sources of historicism which as indicated could lead to the kingdom the abnorm (nihilism). Otherwise consider reading Weber fresh work (as does the teacher Oro Tapia) undoubtedly contributes to improve the dismal outlook for the quota policy and to cast some light of hope of a future change, a thousand times is better to choose the political realism (despite their differences with classical political philosophy) that get stuck in speculative discourse of human rights led by the liberals of today.
[1] Leo Strauss, Natural Right and History, Chicago, Chicago University Press, 1970, cap.2.
[2] Leo Strauss, "The Three waves of modernity" in An Introduction to Political Philosophy. Ten Essays by Leo Strauss, Hilail Gildin (ed) Detroit, Wayne State University Press, 1975. Indeed as Professor Strauss, Weber is fed into a first term of post-Kantian philosophy (hence assumes its ethics and individualism) and then from historicism lead us to deny the possibility of some order that can be described as rationally correct.
[3] Leo Strauss, Natural Right and History, pp. 41 to 42.
[4] Ibid., P. 43.
[5] Max Weber, Politics as Vocation, Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, 2007
[6] The first political behavior associated with the passion and enthusiasm while the second with reason and considering the impact that could result in our behavior toward others. Cf Oro Luis Tapia, Max Weber: Politics and Politicians reading from the periphery, Santiago de Chile, RIL Publishers, 2010
[7] Here if you disagree heartily supported by Professor Gold Tapia, in the sense that he considered feasible if an ethical balance between the two, from my point of view of Weber's skeptical the proposal would prevent such a thing. Cf Oro Luis Tapia, Ibid. p.31.
[8] Ibid., Pp. 28 to 29.
[9] The just political philosophy gives us answers about what should be the correct behavior around purposes of political life and the best political regime. See Leo Strauss, What Is Political Philosophy?, Madrid, Guadarrama, 1970.
[10] Leo Strauss, Natural Right and History, p.36.
[11] Cf Armin Mohler, La Révolution Conservatrice in Allemagne, 1918 - 1932, Puiseaix, Brown, 1993. Max Weber would have found it within the time when these ideas began to emerge clearly contrary to the spirit of enlightenment rationalism. It is also known Weber's influence on visible representatives of the conservative revolution as in the case of Carl Schmitt, John P. See McCormick, Carl Schmitt's critique of Liberalism, Against Politics as Technology, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1997.

[12] clearly indicates As Professor Luis Oro Tapia in his text, "the link between politics and violence has become increasingly intense since the institutionalization of the main political actor of the last five centuries : The Modern State "Op.cit, p.26.
[13] enough to study the classic texts of political correctness and David Held, to verify it. See David Held, Models of Democracy, Cambridge, Polity Press, 1988.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How Long To Keep Church Financial Records

Transsexualism and Constitutionalism: Why do so many rights? Civil Society Again

Articles By Eduardo Hernando Nieto

Posted in: Records and People ", Lima, Reniec, 2010

Article 2 paragraph 1 of our Constitution states that" everyone has the right to life, his identity, his moral, mental and physical to self development and welfare. The unborn child is subject of law in every respect "and Article 19 also maintains that all Peruvians have the right" to their ethnic and cultural identity. The State recognizes the ethnic and cultural diversity of the Nation. " Thus, the right to identity has an important place in our legal system, however, which not stated in the constitution is that thing we understand identity or that is what the law - or judges - must understand that in order to determine which cases could be affected or not this right.

According to some classical definitions from the theory doctrines of modern law and civil law identity means "being in itself" as the way in which the person is within their society, also our leading scholar Carlos Fernández Sessarego in turn, maintains that identity is what makes each one is "self" and not "other" and that allows you to know the person in the "very same" as to what their human essence

be understood that these two perspectives have important nuances to the extent that in the first case appears to be a rather static definition while in the following definition if we would consider a proposal dynamics and identity initially can be seen in issues such as gender, age etc., however, compared to the second well expect a more evolutionary in nature based on the same changes that can be verified within society and not only involve basics registration (personal status) but would cover the many activities of the subject and "the cultural and ideological heritage of the person. "

However, my interest in this text is rather to explore around the "radicalization" of the existentialist project that in some cases and paradoxically could be perceived in terms of a growing nihilism, ie the negation of the values and indifference to human projects and purposes. A situation like this will bring significant changes in all the reality of modern law as nihilistic stage is also known as "postmodern" or deconstructive which involves affirming the uncertainty and also to relativize any concept or structure, it ie, if the modern law was created from Cartesian metaphysics which stated the distinction between subject and object (thinking thing and extended thing) and also a hierarchy between them (the subject is always located above the object or subject placed in the center while the object in the periphery), now rather a challenge to find any possibility to locate fixed points in space and thus also would deny the possibility of asserting the subject. Ie, we would enter a stage in which if the subject can be moved and placed at any point then not only would have trouble finding it also generate a huge problem to identify, more may be that the same subject is created and recreated and the same as their own will or mood and would only will that defines everything.

precisely the problem we would like to highlight today is to the effect that causes the right to identity and the postmodern paradigm State because the times have changed and we are no longer in an era in which the existentialist perspective could provide to this issue some progressives and libertarians air but now with the help of the technique could pose major conflicts and disputes simply because with the added technology (which must be read as a power or power given to the individual) existentialism (which was very useful to assert the right to identity as stated by Fernández Sessarego) could contribute today to increase uncertainty and create more problems than solutions, is paradoxically could become a threat to personal autonomy same

For example recent cases such as the Scottish Norrie May-Welby, who not long ago has been recognized as a neutral subject and that he said he was not August or the male or the female would be just the tip of the iceberg of radical transformation could experience the modern built right under the pillars of Cartesian rationalism and now could not contain all of these changes result of technology, scientific progress together with a radical individualism that now that the laws seek to adapt to the subject's will and not the reverse as would be natural in the origins of the right .

But back to the case said, speaking on the example here of a non-neutral gender or sex, which in itself would be not only confusing but also could give rise to multiple legal problems, for example to set - as in our law - that marriage is for only the union of a man and a woman - and excluding any other possibility, then what would also to facilitate new forms of union between neutral as being implemented in the case of homosexuals in various countries? However, some people argue that the case of May - Welby, is only trivial or unusual so you do not have to worry too much about the need to legislate on the subject. However, as might have been said years ago when someone decided to change sex (transsexual) through surgery and appearance contrasted now with your identity document which reflected their original identity (eg man). In these circumstances raised a number of legal actions designed to amend not only the name but also the sex stated in the document of identity. Obviously, these cases have been increasing in our country as well rapid changes occurring in this regard and would not miss it too short or medium term drastic legislative changes.

The possibility that cases like that of May - Welby can actually arise quite easily these days is undoubtedly due to the presence of neutral liberalism that came regularly to the contemporary law, ie the view that no one can or to judge the preferences of others as doing so would affect individual autonomy and do not respect the choices personal. In fact, it is liberalism that has been promoting the thesis of neutrality from what the critique of the state as it can interfere with the elections of life of any citizen, likewise, they pose a distinction between what behavior means allowing and promoting it or promote it, that is, that for them the fact that they would not allow pornography that was promoting or were in favor of it. However, conservative critics do not think the same way and would consider such a distinction is not viable to what liberals eventually they would reply that should not be in favor of pornography or other such behavior, but what happens is that they value above all tolerance and freedom of choice.

Thus, the prevailing liberal model is based on the defense of the value tolerance above all things but in fact is a tolerance that is without foundation because if one starts from the subjective nature of any value then tolerance can not be justified because no value could be objective. This contradiction of liberalism would lead to an impasse since the conception of liberalism that handle rest in reality relativism.

However, in order that the liberal discourse is contradictory and that the defense personal choice and tolerance are justified then the "aggressive" behaviors such as sexuality "neutral" or the "transgender" or the union of same sex should be supported to some value (tolerance). What would then be the basis of tolerance? It is understood that there are two modern moral that could justify utilitarianism and Kant's moral rights, however, both are being failed as you can draw several theoretical perfectionists, democratic republicans and communitarians, because utilitarianism is not considered at all as autonomous beings (some are means for other purposes) or because the morality of rights is based on a distinction that can not be sustained, namely, the distinction between right and good. So if there is no justification for tolerance (which if it could be justified on other models certainly not neutral) is difficult to accept the liberal thesis. Is more successful if they were not criticisms of the moral rights and tolerance was justified, then it would make sense to ask why only because tolerance and other values?. Without doubt, the discussion about values \u200b\u200bis a constant in recent years.

Indeed, in the development of the theory contemporary legal you can find a current surge in calls to the right postpositivist emphasize the aspect of the correction before the validity of legislation, such as a sample of these new perspectives is the case of the Argentine legal philosopher (died prematurely) Carlos Santiago Nino, for him, the right must be understood as the institutionalization of procedures (deliberative) that help us to solve disputes and also encourage social cooperation within a framework of protection of personal autonomy, the inviolability of the person and dignity. In this sense, we understand that the basis of his speech is in human rights (autonomy, inviolability and dignity) from which arise leading discussions to resolve disputes by majority approval. (Defining its approach and deliberative democracy)

Thus, the rules of democracy, such as those imposed there can be no discrimination because of race, sex, economic status, etc., That the voting citizens should be equal, that collective political decisions are taken by majority procedure, there must be real alternatives, that the representatives are elected periodically, you can not violate the rights of the minority, generating a process making similar decisions, according to Nino, the procedure governing moral discourse.

For example, Nino could establish certain rules concerning human rights as the claim that human rights are moral rights that has every human being irrespective of contingencies such as sex, religion or nationality and the fact that they are or not recognized by the government or the function of these rights is to prevent people being used as means to meet the objectives of other persons, corporate or government entities between
other, being explicitly stated that the role of a State Liberal should be the promotion of those rights (as a moral obligation)

A speech like this that unlike the classical positivist moralizes institutionalized and individual rights has undoubtedly served to facilitate the legalization favor different behaviors and events that were previously not even thinking (change sex for example), extending the right of autonomy and non-interference by others with regard to personal choices (neutrality) for instance would be considered as ways to meet the standards proposed by the morality of individual rights.

In fact, this trend in his side postpositivist neoconstitutionalism called, what it does is define the legal not from the mere constitutional law but from the (early) and to the extent that the principles are by their nature uncertain then it is easy to see that through extensive corrective interpretations or "under" the Constitution could overcome the lack of regulation or empty resolve the matter and then the cases would be presented as such the change of sexual identity and its corresponding recognition through the creation of an identity. (Or, finally, the recognition of the "no identity" as happened in Australia recently)

In short, the stage postpositivist certainly favors this discretion and is proving very favorable to the defense of various interests or desires "subjective", the same as we are now empowered by technology and lead us to the reality of "transsexuality" or "neutrality" or God knows another new concept could be known in the near future. Postmodernism postpositivism and then converge in radical defense of modern subjectivity and the law seems to go on without any opposition or response trend. This current was actually born and with "existentialism" (Fernández Sessarego), which promoted this kind of identity "dynamic" that seem to respond While a kind of social morality away from metaphysical link, then positivism (which was powered by modern incidentally) took steps forward in this aspect individualistic harm than good, although it maintained some sense of order and predictability, also seeking to harmonize as far as possible individual autonomy with social autonomy, thanks also to the principle of harm to third and considering that the aim was to form a community of autonomous beings (Kant) and preserve the lives of the subjects (Hobbes) . Finally, the postmodern attack on the other hand the theory of security, order and predictability (which allow the inclusion of concepts like the "No Sex") while the postpositivism be responsible for facilitating the realization of individual desire by the indeterminacy of liberal principles. CONCLUSION

While liberal theory posed by the distinction between enabling and promoting along with neutrality and tolerance in the legal positivist thesis soon be lined with a sense liberalism neoconstitutionalism went on to become and to "commit" with the values \u200b\u200bwhich no longer made sense to talk about tolerance, right now - as she held Nino - should promote individual will.
Liberals say that the morality of individual rights is justified in itself, however, do not know if this is enough to say that they really should be acceptable, rather it appears to be circular reasoning in nature, I understand that in the ancient world or in non-Western "transsexuality" or "sexual indeterminacy" were not major problem for the march of civilizations that also contributed much in developing our world today, why not see why legislators, judges or de facto powers should be so interested in legitimizing these conditions or any other "politically correct" without raising an analysis deeper as to why such behavior should be legitimized or because it would have to recognize any identity according to the will of the complainant, covered in the vagueness of "tolerance". The defense of personal autonomy need not imply any order to always access or immediate access to every whim, no matter how attractive it is made without taking into account how these new rights could affect the progress of what was considered a civilization of progress and collective welfare.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Need An Audio Device For A Thinkpad T Series

Ageno Poem of Love (Jose Angel Buesa)

Curucuteando over there, one day I found a blog ( ) exprectacular seems to me, because it has many poems of a very famous writer JOSE ANGEL BUESA in my opinion I think is excellent, all poems are very real. Here 's one to Share with my readers and the link if you are interested in others.

can go and do not care, because you stay with me
perfurme like A where there was a flower.
You know I love you, but I tell you;
and I know you're mine, mine without your love.

life brings us while we are separated,
as day and night into the dawn ...
My heart thirsts crave your water clear,
but in a person, other than water should I drink ...

So you can go, because, although not follow you,
never go at all, like a scar;
and my soul is like a groove when you cut the wheat, because the
lose the pin retains the root.
Your love is like a river, which looks more deeply, inexplicably
when the water recedes.
And I'm on the edge, but looking at the bottom, it
Your love and death have an afterlife.

a desire for well, life is short;
life is so short for a dream ...
Thinking of you, tonight I'll kiss another mouth
and you will be with another ... ! But thinking of me!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Blood In Stool Do I Go See A Doctor


By Eduardo Hernando Nieto

In the so-called postmodern times the concept of civil society continues to spread with great force only under the reading proposed in the early 90's by Mr. and Mrs. Cohen and Arato (Civil Society and Political Theory, MIT Press, 1992), ie, that space emerged in the struggle against totalitarianism (in this case, paradoxically, communist) and then in opposition to big business (Economic Society).
Indeed, from the outset could feel the moral character with which they took that concept, and it was clear that everyone who fought against a dictatorship or against large economic corporations (State and Market and Society Politics and Economic Society finally) had to be on the side of good while the rest would be out of this moral category. However, to mitigate the opposition and not "fall" in the adversarial or controversial vision (Schmitt I would say) was considered more acceptable option for communication and cooperation among the three areas (political, economic and civil, of course) to to form a deliberative and democratic space. This time the dish was served to the left that could settle now in a space of ambiguity relieved of the burden Marxist (linked to totalitarianism) as saying that when considering the theory of cooperation with the market and the state in the political game but the framing political discourse from the realm of civil society so they (the "representatives" of civil society "would never be" contaminated "by the negative charges that could lead the market both as State.
So in a nutshell it would question the power shift but equally could benefit from its fruits (in fact we know that members of civil society as always want to be close to power but do not want to be involved with it), also would continue to preach against big corporations but in the same way would benefit from the resources of the market. The agenda of civil society in turn is being increasingly taking many times more extensive work that should correspond to the government and of course because it means the preaching turn around both the moral defense of individual rights (rights humans), as this moral consensus based on a course of evil (the struggle against the power embodied in the state government and its institutions as the armed forces) can have no other purpose than to oppose any political action ( devoted to the search of the good) consequences - according to this speech - never could command consensus, as a result always looked then much distrust any important political decision and also be deleted from any attitude decisionist dictatorial.
Finally, we know that along with "civil society" postmodern politics also brought us a host of new words, the State is now displaced by the global society, the government is replaced by the "Governance"; " politicians and technocrats, the left or right first for the already declining "third way" and now by the so-called egalitarian liberals (in our caviar), the sovereignty of the "global democracy, equality and inclusion and continue Terms as transparency, accountability (accountability), etc, etc, but how serious all this is that in fact politics has become today in pure speech, abstract rhetoric in "metaphysics cheap" that does not serve you interested in solving the many practical problems. So, if good and modernity itself generated an existential change us and opened the door to nihilism even harm than good in the beginning it was not as close to contemporary abstraction, despite all modern states parliaments, governments were intended to solve problems, unfortunately, the passage from modern to postmodern has sunk more than completely taking us to a destination unknown.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

What Is S A Dynatronics Machine

poster, the artists, the location and time of next sample domestica.
Thanks to all participants and congratulations to those selected, we hope to see you all next Sunday 4.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Answerap Biology Lab 5


Ip Hider Software For Ubuntu


Titles For Eating Disorders

outside / inside space

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Wallpaper Fireman Sam

who need to see the space where they perform domestic:
MORNING, JUNE 21 at 20:30 front of the Mercat de Santa Caterina (northern)

Also starting tomorrow will post the photos in the blog space.
and remember that you have until Friday 25!! BASES

Monday, June 7, 2010

Add Minutes To My Roshan Phone

may participate any artist or group without restrictions to age or provenance.
will select a maximum of 20 proposals, subject to the basis set out below:

~ Works can belong to any artistic discipline and may be submitted in any medium, the only condition is that they are reproducible (photographs, photocopies, etc. .) and / or therefore, its loss is completely innocuous. It presented many copies of it as the artist sees fit.
~ In this way, accept any digital media (CD's, DVD's, etc.), With 10 minutes maximum duration of this (the viewing device will be in one player, will play together with other audiovisual works). ~
Works must not exceed weight or measures to prevent their transport on foot (exact conditions and subjective as dictated by the hand luggage of any airline.)
~ The works must respect the exhibition space.
~ The production of the work borne by the artist.
~ Entries must be received by June 25, 2010.

be published din-A3 poster to color, to be delivered to all participants and stakeholders. To realize this, you are required to send a picture of the work to be exhibited at JPG, a maximum of 150 dpi to:

Delivery of proposals will be done through
address: home
c / Bruc, 32, 4rt-1ra
08010, Barcelona

The first exhibition will be held on Sunday July 4, 2010, the place is an old shop bikes, their location will be shown shortly.

More information:

Participation implies acceptance of these rules. SAMPLE

Women Wrestling Chest Sitting

The exhibition is a curatorial project of nonprofit Hervàs Antoni, Ariadna Parreu and Consol Llupià and this will be its second edition. Expose
selected proposals from different authors working from the reproducibility of a work of art and its value, the DIY and the ephemeral and shared.
also show the winning film of the 2nd Field Multipurpose Deconcentration 'My Hair'.

The main characteristics of the sample are:
UNA. Takes place in locations not designed this function. Housed
according to agreements reached between the parties concerned. The schedule is also subject to the agreement (12 to 20 hours approx.).
DOS. The duration is one day: opening and closing on Sunday chosen. THREE
. The exhibits may be removed by anyone interested.

a catalog is published din-A3-poster in color.
All graphic documents, both photographs of the same day as the images sent by the artists, are posted on this blog

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Help On Hardy Weinberg Problems



by Eduardo Hernando Nieto

Recently I purchased the English edition of this great work of Leo Strauss (On Tyranny: Chicago University Press, 1961), which has been translated by the English publisher Ediciones - Meeting (Madrid, 2005). This text includes little dialogue on which Strauss's comment part of Xenophon, entitled "Hiero or Tyranny", which "plays" an interesting conversation between the tyrant Hieron of Syracuse and the poet Simonides about the nature of tyranny and the advantages and disadvantages of it. In the same study also included comments from the philosopher Hegel Kojève Alexander, who then developed a famous controversy with Strauss just above the text of that Xenophon and finally there is also a brief reception Strauss's commentary written by Eric Voegelin.

is not my focus at this time to devote to comment on the huge debate between the two authors - I will then - or the reception of Voegelin, but I would point out some important aspects of Strauss and commentary also dwell around the concept of tyranny.
As you noted from the beginning of modernity, tyranny has been a term that was excluded from the political vocabulary, despite its relevance, and who began this task of exclusion was modern political thought, beginning with Machiavelli, " Machiavelli's The Prince (as opposed to his discourses on Livy) is characterized by deliberate indifference to the distinction between king and tyrant, the Prince implies tacit rejection of the traditional distinction "(Strauss: 2005, p.42). The reason for this undoubtedly was the refusal of modern science to issue any value judgments, so he started using terms like dictatorship, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, etc., that although indirectly referred to a negative value judgments could be however, used by modern political science to take them as concepts categories of political analysis.

While Xenophon's dialogue - in the first part - apparently trying to show the difficulties that have to spend the tyrant (fear of being poisoned, lack of close human relationships, isolation, etc.). So much so that the best we could the tyrant is to hang [1] , however, in the second part of the work, but believes more Simonides that the option with the tyrant to have enormous power that it could well become a great benefactor of society can become the tyrant the happiest man on earth (p. 49). This reading suggests Simonides is very interesting because a large account would be closer to the vision set forth at the beginning of modernity by Machiavelli himself (if the same perspective the notion of tyranny) to the extent that the tyrant would transform into a being benevolent thus the association of tyranny with evil would no longer be feasible. Also, this reading could help then erase the line between the king of the tyrant. Nevertheless, we must recognize that Simonides ("Xenophon?) Finally has an ambiguous position on tyranny because as I mentioned one side seems to indicate that the tyrant can be happy but then comes also indicate that individual's life may be preferable to that of the tyrant (pp. 126 - 127) also highlights the fact that the tyrant does not seem to make much attention to the advice of Simonides. In summary, the position of Xenophon seems to be located between Socratic political science and political science Machiavellian. (P.44), hence the relevance of his work for Leo Strauss, who as we tried by every means to recover the classical political knowledge in order to understand the reality of politics.

So if Strauss believes that even the moderns like Machiavelli and his followers strive to blur the distinction between good and evil, this however is not fully achieved (terms like dictatorship and authoritarianism eventually carry a huge load value) but what if you get to the final - and this is my view and my concern - is that you can understand the essence of tyranny. Thus, it apparently can only be seen in so-called authoritarian regimes but not in other political systems (like contemporary liberal democracy itself.) That is, while ignoring the nature of tyranny and considered as a archaic it may not be placed in this and also any of its features could be seen in modern political regimes - especially in today's democracies - which not only help to avoid any criticism of the regimes of today but also obscure a this great truth in contemporary politics: the accumulation of power, with the help of the technique is in the hands of contemporary democracies generate the same power hundreds of thousands of times the power of the Hiero.

From there then the need to recover the meaning of tyranny and not to lose sight of their presence, perhaps now more present - but also more hidden - in the past.
[1] Hiero curious claim because it goes against the grain of common readings rather argue the opposite, namely that what characterizes the tyranny is just the happiness of the tyrant at the expense of pain and suffering of the people.