Sunday, April 20, 2008

How To Make Monster Energy Jelly

Fernando Lugo, reaffirming the course of AL.

USA is at the edge of the abyss, it seems that political ideology and economic system will not be able to defy history, unwritten law which states that every great empire has its downfall as inevitable end: Aztecs, Mayas , Romans, Greeks, Nazis and Russians are some examples that attest to the reliability of this law. With this as a possible future scenario, countries are obliged to conform to reconfigure your current situation to avoid being swept away by the storm that would cause the collapse of U.S. imperialism, whose consequences have economic, social and policy throughout the world. The first step he took AL to design their future in this scenario was the change in the ideological orientation of their rulers, Argentina, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil and Nicaragua, have been removed from power by democratic means, to the right and have given it to leaders with a strong left-leaning. The next step was to eliminate dependence on IMF and World Bank that and Jose Luis Calva told, have used AL and economic laboratory experiments. The third step was the recovery of sovereignty over the nationalization of the economic areas that are more likely to promote national economic development, and formerly in the hands of national and foreign oligarchy meant an element of power that subjugated the State to the ambitions of these.

AL currently uncertain future. Governments have had little time left to promote structural reforms and reduce the power of the rights that are continually hindering the implementation of economic policies are a fundamental part government plan on the left.

Today, Paraguay will join the group of countries with a leftist government. The challenges faced are the same as at the beginning of its mandate faced their counterparts in the intentions of the U.S. government coup, attempted economic and social destabilization led by national oligarchies, the bias of the media and corporatism that fed corrupt governments that preceded them. The way in which Fernando Lugo face these challenges and the speed with which the ruling will depend largely on the level of success you reach your office.

While AL is charting a new economic plan political and Mexico are still lagging. As you move the Calderon administration will delineate the consequences which might result from the fact that prevented Andrés Manuel López Obrador reached by democratic means for the presidency of the republic. Close to USA, dependent on their economic and one of the worst democracies to our future is not promising.


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