Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Christopher Columbus Ships And There Parts

On China, Tibet

few days ago I met a person in the virtual world, a Uruguayan thinking a little different than mine, but to give validity to the argument that I undertake any campaign against mediatio for the destabilization of progressive governments, here I explain the point of view of this friend of mine.
I anticipate that I disagree completely with his ideas, many disagree with their views in a high percentage, but no hint of proof of their way of thinking and of seeing the world, who knows, leaving part to bring it to achieve my ranks and someday become a fierce defender of the left lol ... good here I leave consideration of the readers for their opinions. I hope
As always, your comments welcome. Greetings
Good Shepherd.
I want to clarify that link he provides on a human rights organization is defamatory content Cuban reality in the case of alleged prisoner of conscience, they do not constitute more than vulgar mercenaries in the service of the U.S., vilifying home in exchange for money or a visa to enter the American Dream in the U.S..
On China, Tibet

For several days the world media is being invaded by
the controversial boycott of the Olympics in China.
truth is that it is irrelevant whether or not boycott the Olympics. A
Athlete or tearing the shirt off someone tries
Olympic flame may have some symbolic power. However, the real
boycott is given by the Tibetan rebellion
is the true center of world attention.

always Tibet region has been humiliated and trampled by many nations
. First, the Mongol Empire after the British and finally
China. Tibet has always resisted, and always has been dominated
. When English Younghusband, in 1903, led his expedition to tibet
Tibetans not attacked, they were greeted with
peaceful resistance, although "armed" with medieval weapons. A change
massacred the British and annexed Tibet into their
colonies. In the story that followed the tibet happened around until
that ended in the hands of China. Not surprisingly, therefore, that the Tibetan people to rebel
again. Tibetans
have a history of peaceful rebellion (but when attacked, attack) and
not afraid of death.

monks currently take advantage of the Olympics and world attention on China
for their claims for autonomy and preservation of culture
(not independence) are heard. It said in
above, there is little reason to understand why
demonstrations have turned violent, but a very
mishandling of the situation by the Chinese government.
military oppression has not served and is now exacerbating the situation. The
access restrictions to the press abroad (which are now easing
), only give rise to the imagination and controversy
stranger, which is another mistake the Chinese government.

Ironically perhaps, the first to condemn these acts is the
Bush administration with his "Christian crusade" has already killed tens of thousands of Iraqis
and thousands of American soldiers. The fact is that U.S. policy
is often oriented to gain international approval
points in common. Nobody wants
repression in China, is a common point.
we did not want Saddam in Iraq. Playing with the common ground has become a policy used by many
countries, usually in
fundamentalists. Hence the American double standard.

Beyond U.S. interests, possibly
are given by the strong demand for resources is giving China (more than a cold war policy
), the Olympics will help improve the situation in China
. This is not because of a boycott, or other
kind of "conspiracy." Is given by the vast amount of
tourists and journalists who visited the country in the coming days,
which the Chinese government will have to leave good image. This
not only includes the situation in Tibet, but many of the claims
human rights organizations have echo to China (for example
internet filters). It would be interesting if the Olympics were in USA
(or better yet, in Iraq), but the current
are in China ...

As a gift, I leave a link to the photo collection
Human Rights Watch is a human rights organization (which has
claims of all kinds to all kinds of nations, including a large file

Thanks to Good Shepherd for inviting me to join his blog.



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